Page 199 - Sinelco EN-EUR
P. 199


                                                     E-APPLICATOR KIT                                   24

                                                     The Hair Sculptor e-applicator allows fast and easy spray application of hair building
                                                   fi bers. Very convenient handling. Fine and even distribution of the fi bers. Easy and
                                                   space-saving to store. The hair fi bers are not included in the kit! The container holds
                                                   25 g and can be (re)fi lled with hair fi bers from the Hair Sculptor refi ll sachets (refs.
                                                   •  Kit contains:            • 1 hairline guide
                                                   • 1 e-applicator spray head  • 1 USB charging cable
                                                   • 1 empty, refi llable bottle  • 1 instruction leafl et
                                                   • 1 back-up container
                                                                                                        PRICE €
                                                       9504003 / P001288                               61,95

                 FIXING SPRAY 100ML

                 The Hair Sculptor fi xing spray has been
               scientifi cally developed to enable the hair     MANUAL SPRAY
               building fi bers to adhere optimally to thin
               hair. Spray at a distance of 30 cm from the  APPLICATOR     100
               treated area. The fi ne spray fi xes the fi bers                   HAIRLINE GUIDE          1000
               and ensures a natural look. Thanks to the   The Hair Sculptor manual spray applicator
               spray, the fi bers adhere fi rmly to the hair and  fi ts with the Hair Sculptor hair fi ber bottles   The Hair Sculptor hairline guide helps to
               are resistant against wind, rain and sweat. So  (remove the sprinkler mesh fi rst!). It  allows  eliminate any  unnatural  straight  lines  along
               you don’t have to change your active lifestyle  to easily target and spray the hair fi bers into  the hairline. It gives a soft, natural look and
               when you use Hair Sculptor! The fi xing spray  specifi c areas of the hair, for a more precise,  prevents hair fi bers from falling onto the
               lasts all day. The hair building fi bers and fi x-  fi ne/even distribution. Use the Hair Sculptor  forehead. For a more precise, defi ned result,
               ing spray can be removed by washing the  hairline guide (ref. 8903112/P001282) when  use with the spray applicator (ref. 8903111/
               hair with shampoo.             working around the hairline.   P001286) to target the hairline.
                                          PRICE €                        PRICE €                        PRICE €
                   8980526 / P001767           8,65      8903111 / P001286           22,25      8903112 / P001282           2,09

                                                     COUNTER DISPLAY                                    1

                                                     Display contains:
                                                   - 6 colors (x 4 of each color)
                                                   - 6 fi xing sprays
                                                   - 4 manual spray heads
                                                   - 6 hairline guides
                                                                                                        PRICE €
                                                       6600662 / P000095         English/German       499,95
                                                       6600663 / P000096          French/Dutch        499,95
                                                       6600664 / P000097          Italian/Spanish     499,95

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